Homemade Food Coloring Recipes that are Corn, Gluten and Toxin Free

Tired of trying to find healthy, toxin free food coloring to buy? Do you have allergies to corn or gluten and want to know that your food colors are natural, safe and allergen free? Then why not discover how to make your own homemade food coloring?If you have gluten based allergies or simply prefer to avoid additives and other potential toxins then you should know how to create natural food coloring. Then you will have coloring agents that you can safely use in your home and kitchen.

Once you make homemade food coloring you can use if for any of your cooking needs; or you might want to use it for crafts such as painting, dying fabrics or making children's play dough.
Today it is almost impossible to find food coloring that does not contain harmful chemicals. A large majority of these processed coloring agents are the end result of formulas that are made with dyes, corn, gluten or other ingredients that could cause allergic reactions or produce other unwanted side effects. This is one of the main reasons that people are eager to discover alternatives that will really work.When you use these natural recipes to create botanically based food coloring mixtures you will have the satisfaction of knowing they are eco-friendly, pleasant smelling and safe to use. In some instances you may have to learn how to adjust the amount of these coloring formulas to obtain the exact shades that you want.
The use of plants and herbs to create natural dyes has been around for many centuries. Many spices, fruits, berries and plants are known to contain staining agents that can be safely used to make a number of products. Here are some ideas to get you started on the path for making homemade food coloring.

Mellow Yellow
  • Boil 2 cups of water in a pot on your stove. When a full boil is reached you can take the pot from the burner and let the water cool for about 30-60 seconds.
  • Now add a small amount of turmeric to the water. Once you have obtained the shade of yellow you want you can quit adding this herbal coloring agent. If you will use stale, outdated turmeric instead of a fresher version you can get the natural color without the strong herbal flavoring.
  • After the colored water has cooled it can be stored in a glass container with a tight fitting lid.

Great Green Color from Spinach
  • Add 2 cups of spinach leaves to a pot and add enough cold water to cover the leaves.
  • Boil for 60 seconds.
  • Allow pot to simmer on the lowest heat setting of your stove for an additional 10 minutes.
  • Let the water cool and then strain it through cheesecloth or a wire mesh strainer.
  • You can safely store the green food color in any glass container that has a tight fitting lid.

The Royal Color of Ruby Red
  • Add a few beets to a pan. Add enough water to cover the beets. You do not have to wash or peel the beets before using them for this recipe.
  • Now simmer the beets for about 45 minutes, or until they are tender enough that you can pierce the beets with a fork.
  • Allow the pan to cool. Remove the beets and use a paring knife to peel them. Slice or chop the beets and then add these vegetables back to the pan containing the boiled water.
  • Let the pan sit undisturbed for several hours so the water can absorb the deep, ruby coloring from the beets.
Pour the liquid through a piece of clean cheesecloth or a fine, mesh strainer. You should have about 1-1/2 cups of water. Combine the colored water with 2 ΒΌ teaspoons of a natural white vinegar. Add this mixture to a glass container with a tight fitting lid. Shake well, label the container and store until needed.

Berry Blue Food Color
  • Add 1-2 cups of water and 1 cup of blueberries to a pot. Fresh or frozen berries can be used.
  • Allow the berries to simmer on the stove for 20-40 minutes.
  • After the liquid has cooled for about 15 minutes you can pour it into a blender and pulverize the mixture for 1 minute.
  • Once this process is completed use cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer to separate the berry particles from the liquid.
  • Once straining has been completed this natural blue food coloring liquid can be safely kept in a glass container. Always make sure the lid to the container is one that forms a tight seal.

Tips to Help You Create the Best Natural Food Colors
  • Do not store any of your liquids in plastic containers because the containers will become stained, and chemicals from the plastic will be leached into the food color.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with different herbs and plants to come up with other colors.
  • The shades of these natural food colors can be intensified or lightened depending on how much of the main ingredients you decide to use.

    Article from: www.corn-gluten-foodallergies.com